Philosophy Begins in Wonder

Philosophy Begins in Wonder

(An interview with Shai Tubali in the “1000 Reasons for Awe” Project) In his Metaphysics, the ancient philosopher Aristotle stated that: “It is through wonder that men now begin and originally began to philosophize; wondering in the first place at obvious perplexities, and then by gradual progression raising questions about the greater matters too…. about the stars and about the origin of the universe.”

Spiritual teacher, author and scholar Shai Tubali has published widely on philosophy and contemporary life. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won a number of literary awards. His 1000 Reasons for Awe Project’s mission is to provide readers, listeners and viewers with one thousand reasons for regaining our lost sense of wonderment. He has invited established experts, such as biologists, cosmologists, philosophers, psychologists, artists, and poets from all over the world to contribute their own “reason” for feeling awe. The reasons derive from their many diverse fields, but also from their own direct and daily experience.

 In this episode, he interviews Rich Grego from the Infinite Discoveries website about the scope and nature of philosophical inquiry, the meaning of life, the experience of awe, and how philosophy, as Aristotle insisted, indeed begins in wonder.

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