This category contains all articles and sources dedicated to philosophical and religious information throughout the world.
Love of wisdom is not confined to one geographical space or culture as it is universal. Though East and West have emphasized diverse aspects of life and society, we examine not their differences but similarities and how both respond to key questions plaguing human society.
May 21st, 2022 The idea of self-identity as ‘relational’ (inseparable and indistinguishable from the many psycho-social roles, forces, and interactions which comprise it), rather than independent or individual, may seem…
April 28th, 2022 Physicalism (also called “materialism” in contemporary western philosophy of mind), a philosophical theory which contends that reality consists entirely of physical entities and forces understood exclusively in…
March 1st, 2022 Speaking on behalf of the popular current movement among (mainly western) intellectuals to ‘naturalize’ Buddhism, renowned philosopher and apologist for a scientistic, ‘materialist’ approach to western metaphysics,…