This category contains all articles and sources dedicated to the analysis and proposed resolutions of global conflict.
Conflicts, positive and negative, are everywhere and in every place. We examine those conflicts both at micro and macro levels to understand them and offer inclusive perspectives to address them.
The recent demise of famous Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh brought to mind some poignant memories. I met him, literally in passing, in 1997 as a doctoral student while doing…
On January 30, 74 years ago Mahatma Gandhi was shot while attending a prayer in New Delhi. He used to attend morning prayers with two goals in mind: to pray to God for the wellbeing of mankind, and to meet visitors and interact with them.
In ancient Greece, the famous philosophers Plato and Aristotle were not fond of democracy as they were afraid of demagogues who could manipulate gullible people to buy their nefarious designs. Instead, they emphasized virtue and wisdom.